May 31, 1787. Antonio Oliver, OFM, author of the manuscript that will be used by Fr. Felipe José Maqueda for the composition of his work on the history of Our Lady of Lujan, dies.
June 11, 1982. The Holy Father John Paul II, during his visit to Argentina, celebrates the Holy Mass in Lujan and presents the Holy Image with the special Golden Rose.
June 15, 1812. Felipe José Maqueda, devoted chaplain of the Virgin of Lujan, witness of three important miracles of the Virgin and himself favored by a particular miracle, collecting most of his information from a manuscript probably written between the years 1760-1770 by Fr. Antonio Oliver, OFM, published his work, True History of the Immaculate […]
June 15, 1536. Captain Pedro de Luján is wounded and dies in a battle between the Spaniards and Indians on the banks of what today is known as the Lujan River. A strong tradition attributes to this event the name of the current river, from which the Villa and the Sacred Image of Lujan will […]